Tuesday, 30 April 2013

My 365 London: 120 days

This feels like a good point to reflect on my 365 photo project so far. First of all it does make me realise how quick the year has gone so far. It seems like only yesterday we were in January. That may be more to do with the weather than anything else. I've decided to to split this blog up, firstly looking at the positives, then the negatives and finally, and conlude with a summing up.

The positives

  1. Social media: reaction to my images has been very supportive. People have often said that they look forward to what the next number will be. So, there is some sense of anticipation, which I never really expected.
  2. Observing the community: this project has encouraged me to look more deeply at the areas in which I work and live (aside from the times when I'm on holiday or away with family). Furthermore, I believe it has made me a little bit more perceptive of my surroundings. I've made some intersting discoveries along the way too.
  3. iPhoneography: for me this is what it has become all about. The square format has become the standard frame I will compose in. I am often conscious of thinking about how the images will appear collectively when the project is complete. With my phone, it means my camera is basically with me all the time and this makes things easier in getting the shot in. I've had some fun with Snapseed and Instagram but try to keep my work fairly broad and not too stylised in a particular way. For example, I don't like to keep using the same filters.
  4. Creativity: sometimes, for various reasons, I have not had the chance to take a shot when I'd like to. This means that I have to think a bit outside the box and be a bit 'creative'. I have at times had to look for something at home, around the house. But I refuse to resign myself to drawing a number on a piece of paper. For me, that is a fail.

The negatives

  1. Work: this was probably the single biggest inhibitor. Unfortunately, I don't have the luxury or time to be able to walk the streets at any time of my choosing, particularly during the week. My job as a software test analyst requires to me tobe  focused and so of course this inhibits my opportunity to shoot my daily pic. My photo walk will be during my commute in, during lunch hour or some time in the evening. Usually, I do get lucky and get my shot in.
  2. Presence: at times I can feel a bit too aware that I'm taking a picture of a door. Slightly embarrassing but you just have to shrug it off. Just take your shot and move on.
  3. The weather: sometimes the weather can be a negative. I really don't want to be slipping out to take a picture in the rain. And, like work, this can be a bit inhibiting

Summing it up

I am only a third of the way through the year but already the images have been very varied and I'm really looking forward to how the project evolves. I have a couple of business trips ahead and so inevitably there will be challenges in that. It might seem inpractical at times but you always have to be patient, as the right opportunity can sometimes come along when you least expect it.

Please visit my blog here: my365london.blogspot.co.uk